He rauemi tēnei hei awhina i ngā ākonga ki te whaiwhaakaro, hei kite i ngā mahi akoako kua mahingia e rātou mō te wiki. Ko ngā ākonga kei taku akomanga he Tau 1-2 nā tēra kua tapiri atu i taku reo hei awhina i ā rātou.
This is a learning journal that has been set up in Te Reo Māori for Rūmaki or Kura Kaupapa students. This learning journal helps with keeping students accountable for their own learning by reflecting, by explaining their challenges and skills they have faced throughout the week. I have year 1-2 students so I have recorded my voice to help guide them through tasks.
Ngā mihi
I have used Stickers from : https://education.apple.com/en/resource/250010269
May 24, 2023
Wonderful journal guide and so good for your learners to think about what they have learned week to week and what further learning they need. The audio add is such a plus. Thanks for sharing the Pages!
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