In today's world, technology is an essential part of education. Teachers need to be able to use technology effectively in order to reach their students and provide them with the best possible learning experience.
One of the most important pieces of technology that teachers have is their MacBook.
It is important for teachers to know how to use their MacBooks properly for many reasons - but first and foremost if they know how to utilise it well they can be more efficient in their workflows. Teachers who are familiar with the features of their MacBooks can save time and be way more productive.
With a little effort, any teacher can learn how to use their MacBook to its fullest potential.
Providing a fun way to do this can be more of a motivation for some teachers who may not otherwise have the inclination to explore their device fully.
Here’s a version of Monopoly - only this one is all based around exploring the MacBook.
Each teacher uses the template to make their own copy. They challenge a colleague to see who can get the highest score. By playing on their own boards, they have a record of their own progress - and the gameboard automatically keeps a tally of the score for them as they go.
Encourage them to set their own rules before they begin. 😎
Feel free to make a copy and tweak it for your staff (or students).
July 30, 2023
Gamification of Mac Learning - very nice! - “Mac”opoly👏
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