Get the most out of your MacBook - Set 1 - Set up your MacBook your way.

Welcome to the first post in this series of videos supporting educators to ‘Get the most out of your MacBook’. Discover how to amplify your productivity, creativity and innovation with Apple. This first series focus’ on productivity. Each quick guide steps you through five tips to support you getting the most out of the in-built features of your MacBook. There will be 4 videos in each series.

In this first video, I’ll step through how to ‘Set up your MacBook your way’, in this video we will cover:

  • System Settings
  • The Control Centre
  • The Dock
  • Finder 
  • The Notification Centre

As an Apple Professional Learning Specialist, I support educators to build their skills and confidence using Apple technology. These quick tip videos aim to help teachers new to using Mac become familiar with key features for organising their work, sharing resources, and increasing their productivity. Mind you I’m sure there are plenty of experienced users who will learn something new too!

Please note after the four videos are posted there will be a ‘final’ post with a downloadable PDF resource with links to each of the videos (and a series of cards) that teachers can use to easily navigate the series content.



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