iCan EdTech Skills

A few years back from an un-conference session at an ADE Institute a number of ADEs came together with an idea to create a skillset for elementary grades based on the following categories- Creativity, Productivity, Digital Citizenship, Research & Keyboarding. Since then an ebook resource called iCan Statements by Brenden Kelly, Felicity Treptow and Casey Cohen was created. As I collaborated with the authors, this was almost exactly what I was looking for in my district so I brought it back, modified to our needs and created additional resources in which computer teachers can use as a guide in building their lessons.

The following Numbers resource is a checklist of skills in each category so teachers can easily check off what they have or like to teach. The other 4 resources are iCan EdTech student portfolios, made with the skills in mind so students can take ownership in those skills and could possibly be used independently as they build this collection. An additional 4th-6th grade portfolios are also created but unable to be included in this post.

This continuing focus has become my One Best Thing project as my role focuses on working with computer teachers and transforming innovative learning spaces across the district. My next vision is to take away 'grade levels' attached to these skills and offer more of a badging system for students where these skills become more fluid and not attached to a specific grade.






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