The Good Life Project #DPTech

    Students create a video or a podcast, individually or in a small group, that answers the question, “what is a good life?” The project was originally created for AP Language & Composition students to create an argument/product and then analyze their rhetorical choices within their final product which included the music, images, and script to inspire their audience in remembering what makes life good during the stressful period of their 11th grade year. 

This project would be fun at any grade level because the answer to the question, what is a good life, is very different for various age groups. 

I cannot post student samples because they have their names and faces all over them, but they created really heartwarming inspiring videos and podcasts about the things that are deeply important to them to inspire their peers during the close of the first semester of their junior year.


Students will choose audio recorder to record their voices for the podcast option and the VoiceOver option in their video.


Students can choose a storyboard (templates) or an iMovie (no template) to create their video.


**This project was adapted from a project I found on the AP Language and Composition Teacher group on Facebook.



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