Kingdoms Pokemon Go!

Got to catch'em all! ... using Halo AR, Pages and Keynote to review characteristics of organisms. I used to create organisms for each kingdom. Those images were used to create a collection using the Halo AR app to make a scavenger hunt for the students. The students used the Halo AR app ( )to catch the different organisms. Once they had caught all the organisms the students created Pokemon cards for each Kingdom by inserting a picture of their organism and explaining the kingdoms characteristics. After they finished their cards they took screenshots of those cards and inserted them into a keynote and using the video live they screen recorded themselves explaining why they chose that organism to represent the kigndom and the characteristics of that kingdom.

The pages and keynote templates are attahced as well as examples of the Craiyon AI pictures. #dptech


Student using Halo AR to find an organism and taking a screen shot.
Catching organisms using Halo AR.






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