Text Reconstruction and Running Dictation Learning Logs

Two English as a Second Language teaching strategies I use with my students to support language and literacy learning are: Running Dictation and Text Reconstruction. I created learning logs in Pages and Keynote to turn these into digital activities that implement the use of multiple language domains. Text reconstruction is a simple strategy in which the teacher dictates a word, simple phrase or sentence for students to listen to and write or type on their iPad. Students also create an audio recording to practice reading and speaking skills. In the Running Dictation activity students leave their iPad at their desk, find and uncover secret text hidden under numbered papers around the classroom to read to themselves and memorize. Students return back to their desk and iPad to write or type the words they remember. Once they have finished their writing students use the Dictation accessibility feature to read and say the words loudly, slowly and clearly into the iPad. Students may self assess their writing and the dictation text. (This activity can also be done in pairs where one student finds / reads the words to whisper to a partner sitting at the desk) I have attached copies of the learning logs to download!






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