Schoolwork for Collaboration on Student Projects

Students in our district have been restricted from emailing other students so this sets up a unique challenge for our teachers to allow students to collaborate on digital projects. We have found through using Schoolwork and setting up collaborative files such as a shared Keynote file student can still have the benefit of working together in a digital project.

Collaboration occurs in real time so we often suggest that students assign themselves slides to edit in the shared project to avoid editing what their peers have already created. Ex. Student one edits slides 1-3 while student 2 edits 4-6.

Students in our 8th grade advanced Social Studies classes created projects at the end of the year to summarize a historical era they learned about. The example presentations were created in a collaborative document that the teacher shared via Schoolwork with student teams. This required the teacher to have knowledge of what students were working together and either provide a template Keynote or in this teacher's class she wanted them to have full creative control so she provided a blank keynote for each student. We did find that students needed to have the most up-to-date Keynote and Schoolwork apps for the collaboration share to be successful.

#DPTech #DPJHTech


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