Our third grade students completed a novel study on the book "Beatrice Zinker Upside Down Thinker" by Shelley Johannes. After reading the book, students used Keynote to create a Potato Head representing one of the main characters from the book. Students had options of objects that they used to represent the characters. After creating their Potato Head, students added audio to their Keynote to explain why they selected each object. This activity was aligned with North Carolina standard RL.3.3.
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Representing characters from a story using a My Potato Head Keynote
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October 14, 2024
A fab resource that makes more sense when I opened in Keynote and not view only in safari. My early learners will enjoy this as we have been making Memoji characters in Freeform recently. I created something similar with the online safety story PENGUINPIG too: https://enabling-environments.co.uk/2020/01/04/have-a-safer-internet-day-with-penguinpig/
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