The Resilient Faces of Black History - Book Creation for Heritage Months

I’m a fan of celebrating and recognizing national Heritage Months. As I mentioned here in CBL and Heritage Months, highlighting heritage months broadens the scope of student knowledge, adds to the picture of our past and provides an understanding of the richness and historical influences of our diverse cultures.

As we “March on” to Women’s History Month, learners can take what they learned during February’s Black History Month and can continue to share by publishing their learning through books by using Pages exported as epub.

As a sampler of ways teachers can engage students in the creation books, I used some of the primary source information created by W.E.B. Du Bois for the Paris Exhibition. You’ll find The Resilient Faces of Black History in the Apple Book Store.


Book Cover - The Resilient Faces of Black History
Book Cover - The Resilient Faces of Black History

Impactful learning is creative. Hopefully this sampler models ways teachers can engage students in the creation of portraits or historic collages as we celebrate the resilience that is part of Black History.

Please share any examples your learners have created.

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