Job +1

Having just returned from the ADE Institute 2023 I have been reflecting on the last 4 days. The passion, the determination and talent of the community never fails to inspire and motivate me, but there were 3 key features of the week that have had an impact on me, that have reignited my passion for teaching after a difficult year.

Firstly, photographers Jillian Edelstein and Aicha Thomas, their exceptional work reminded me of the purpose of photography, storytelling, and made me think about the importance of this particularly in a world of AI generated imagery, as well as amplifying the voices of those who are not heard.

Second, came the inspirational Accessibility workshop, I have been particularly inspired by fellow ADE Daniela, who shared with us how we can use the iPad to improve our pupils lives in an unmeasurable way.

Thirdly, Hockey players and Olympians Jannae and Sarah, they discussed the concept of Job +1. How we have our job to do but how the German Hockey team also had one other job to do that contributed to the success and well-being of the team. It made me think about how that would translate in my classroom and into my department.

I have left institute with a burning desire to serve my pupils better, to make sure their stories are told, particularly our EAL and refugee pupils and to champion our learners with additional needs by exploring accessibility further in my lessons and spreading the word.

So, what will this look like? I’m not sure yet, but I am going to do my Job +1. That is to amplify the voices of the minority to the majority to empower them in school.

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