The recent ALC Worldwide Meetup inspired me to try out the new Custom Graphic activity. I knew my Techsperts and I would enjoy creating our own fun graphics, but I was excited to teach them how they can create academic stickers that would be helpful in class. I’m happy to share some of our ideas:
- Genre Stickers - Students can create stickers that represent different genres. I would have them include elements for each genre and demands of the text or strategies readers use for comprehension. These stickers could be used to identify the genre of books that are added to reading logs.
- Math Operation Stickers - Like the genre stickers, students can create stickers for the different math operations. They can include strategies, models, and key academic vocabulary. The stickers can then be used to identify which operations are needed in multi-step word problems. Students may even enjoy using them in their equations.
- Social Studies Voting Stickers - My colleague, Jessica Goree, came up with the voting ideas. Students can create stickers to show they voted or to promote a topic they are supporting in a classroom election.
I can’t wait to see what other ideas our teachers and students come up with. We hope our ideas inspire you and your students to try out Custom Graphics from the Creative Activities for Students. We’ll continue to share ideas that we add to our Creative Projects Map.
#wearelcp #thewestway
October 24, 2024
I love the operation symbol idea! With fractions coming up, I’m thinking we could create some related to fraction concepts or even comparison symbols!
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