I have been tasked as the Technology Integration Specialist for my small rural district of 500 students. We have 1:1 iPads and have rolled backwards in our creative structure...
I will be working with students and teachers to help bring the creativity back into the use of iPads. I need expected outcomes and rubrics to showcase creativity for both student mentors and teachers to show their mastery in different applications so they can earn "badges" based upon each item completed. There are a lot of rubrics out there but I am wondering if anyone has one that is narrowed towards creativity (and not so specific for the Everyone Can Create lessons/projects.)
September 14, 2022
We started building proficiency scales for the 4Cs last year in my former position, I'm not sure if you can use any of it or not, but here is what we had created as a draft. This was designed around 5th grade students, then would have been scaffolded down through the grades.
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