We are a BYOiPad school and as such our students have their own 'personal appleids.' We use JAMF to distribute apps - device managed.
My understanding is that classworks relies upon managed AppleID's - which apart from a small handful of shared iPads, we have none. I have been doing a little reading on utilising Google accounts to authenticate to Apple School Manager/Classworks but I can't tell whether this can be done in conjunction with a personal AppleID or only instead of?
We are not able to change to managed AppleID's - so does that mean Classworks is out of scope for us?
October 30, 2022
Hi Chris,
Classwork is based on Managed Apple IDs.
The Google Authentication features allow users to login using their school-provided Google IDs into those Managed Apple IDs, but that's the extent of the features there, it's not for personal IDs at all.
You may find you can use the Managed IDs through the web, but that will be a very limited feature set, and the IDs still need to be logged into a device at some point to make them active.
The only saving grace here is that you *can* use a School-created Managed ID for the iCloud Content (with the benefit of the 200GB of space), and a personal Apple ID for Store purchases on the same device but this wouldn't likely make too much of a difference and you'd need to have a very specific BYOD model (ie Parent Purchased, school managed) to make this viable.
I'm sorry I can't offer more suggestions here but happy to answer any other questions I can. I would think at the present time, it'd be largely out of scope.
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