Looking for Interviewees for Struggle for Change Podcast

Hello, my ADE fam!

For the past three years, I have been producing, editing and co-hosting a podcast focused on sharing the narratives/perspectives of teachers/students/families impacted by various "struggles" faced in education today. The name of the podcast is "Struggle for Change," and you can listen to all episodes on your favorite podcast platform.

We are looking for educators/students (age 14+) or other edu-professionals that are interested in sharing their story about a current or past struggle related to education. Previous larger topics have been: mental health through COVID, struggling to engage with learning as a virtual student, education systemic challenges, non-conventional education, public vs. private school as a teacher, embracing student identity in the classroom, etc.

If you are interested (or know of any students or other friends/family) that would like to be interviewed for the podcast, email us at: struggleforchangepodcast@gmail.com or send a DM on Twitter to @Strug4Change or @eh48.

Thanks for considering!


Em (@eh48; emmo48@gmail.com)


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