3D Printing Playbooks

I remember the first time I saw a 3D printer in action years ago. I was amazed. Intrigued. Had to find out more. I took that amazement into my own teaching when we got our 3D printer. I wanted to share some of the fascination and awe I first experienced when I saw one.

3D printing takes a bit of a knowledge leap. I didn’t want that to be a hindrance to others who would like to teach it. So I scaffolded the learning in these Playbooks as best I could, with activities and structures that would allow new-to-3D printing educators the chance to get right into it.

These playbooks have been created at 3 different levels, to meet all ages of learners, based around an Ultimaker 2+ printer. You can easily adapt them to any other 3D printer.

I’d love to hear your experiences of using 3D printers as I’m sure we could build a really brilliant collection of ideas to share.




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