Fun Time Unit Comparisons with Keynote

One of the challenges in a classroom maths program is keeping the students engaged with the more ‘practice’ focused tasks.

The added value of using digital technologies for these types of tasks is that you can provide students with instant feedback - and also challenge them to develop their creative skills by making their own versions.

Here is a simple activity where students work out the comparisons of time units and then use their answers to solve a simple puzzle


If they type the correct letter in the cell, it will change colour instantly - so they know they are correct. If it doesn’t change colour then they know straight away that they need to rethink their answer.

(Answer: It takes one week to make a jelly bean.)

Once they have completed the task, challenge them to create their own. 

  • First they find an interesting fact and then create a table in Keynote and type it into the cells.
  • They then create their own time comparison questions and add the answers underneath the letters.
  • Their final step is to add conditional formatting to each cell with a letter in it so that when that specific letter is added the cell changes colour.
  • They can swap with a buddy and solve each others. 

Not only are they developing their knowledge of  time comparisons but they are also developing their digital technology skills as well.


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