Sharing your Pepeha using Clips

Clips is an awesome app for creating fun and engaging video stories. I’d love to show you how your students can use Clips to introduce themselves at the beginning of the school year. In New Zealand we often ask our students to share with us their ‘Pepeha’.

Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you.

In this recording I show you how to create an introductory video, by recording a very short version of my own pepeha.  



Please note that the structure I have used is a very simplified version that my students have been using in a junior classroom - and I also acknowledge that I am not of Māori descent. The intent of this recording is to demonstrate how Clips can be used to creatively communicate a Pepeha. For more information about how to write your own Pepeha, this link is a great starting point:

If you would like to explore more ways that you can creatively use Clips with your students, I highly recommend visiting the Learning with Clips series on this forum. Here you will find some of my fellow Apple Professional Learning Specialists from across Australia and New Zealand sharing a wealth of resources and materials that can help educators go further with using Clips in the classroom:


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