With first quarter under our belt, I wanted to share a resource that I have created and shared with my teachers. It started out as a conversation with a Special Education teacher and when talking with classroom teachers, they are finding it useful for ALL students.
When I was teaching third grade, I had a student who had amazing story telling skills: lots of detail, clear beginning, middle, and end, the whole nine yards! However, the second he put pencil to paper, it was like the words were gone! This is where this idea stemmed from.
Below you will see a hand graphic organizer. The idea is that each finger is a place for students to record a part of their paragraph. The thumb is the introduction sentence, the next three fingers are for key details, and then the pinky finger is where the conclusion sentence goes. This organizer lives in a Page template in Pages so that students can record their voice and place it at the corresponding finger. Then, the text box is there so that students can listen to their own words (as many times as necessary) and begin typing their paragraph.
I have attached two versions of this file to this post. One is the example pictured above. The other option is a Ws (who, what, where, when and why) organizer for a summary type of assignment. I hope you find this helpful!
#lcr3vanguard #lcr3
October 20, 2023
Super Pages organizer and great idea! Thanks so much for this resource!
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