My Doodle Diary - The Prep for Sketchnoting

Creativity takes Courage. Henri Matisse

This resource is an introduction to drawing or ‘doodling’ using a visual alphabet. This particular alphabet is a series of shapes and symbols that can be combined to create images. It’s perfect for those new to drawing or for those who may need some encouragement! To quote Picasso’s ‘Every child is an artist’, it’s more to address his following statement, “The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”


My Doodle Diary: A Doodle Filled Creative Canvas (Front Cover)

The purpose of this Keynote is to:

  • build student and teacher creativity
  • develop drawing skills
  • create a pathway to introducing sketch noting
  • encourage students and teachers to try something new especially when they think they ‘can’t draw’
  • use as a brain break
  • to have fun!


The Visual Alphabet by Dave Gray

This resource could also be a plugged or unplugged activity using an art journal.

Special thanks to Jen Giffen and Sylvia Duckworth, two of the many sketchnoting experts, for their inspiration. Have a go! Use it with teachers! Let me know how it goes. If you’re looking for a sign to ‘play’, this is it! Enjoy!


Example of journal page for drawings


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