Getting Started with Podcasting Part 2: Record (2 of 3)

My name is Marcus Warren and I am from the West side of Chicago, IL. I am Chief Operating Officer at We Are Light Inc., a community-based organization that facilitates youth leadership and creative media training. I am also a partner/content creator/executive producer at a multimedia company called Streetlight Eternal Entertainment.

At We Are Light, Inc., our main objective is to build strong relationships with the youth and communities that we serve. Within the learning environment, we look to establish it as a safe place for youth to share and build trust among their peers and adult staff. This supportive environment is welcoming, open to conflict resolution, and engaged in active learning, encouragement, and skill building. WAL incorporates cooperative learning activities that help build community and unity amongst its participants in order to instigate a higher order of choice, planning, execution, and reflection for the benefit of themselves as well as the collective. When these practices are implemented, it cultivates sincere youth expression that influences their creative choices, making them more responsible and intentional as they use their voices to create content that uplifts and affects change.

In the last segment, we went over the definition of a podcast, podcast types and structures, and creating a plan and outline to establish the direction and content of your podcast. In this segment, we dive into recording your podcast. A lot of the podcasts of today incorporate video, but we focus on the traditional audio-only podcast for this example, using the iOS version of GarageBand.

After watching this video, spend some time getting to know the user interface and recording your vocals. Once you’re comfortable with capturing audio in GarageBand, tune in to the next video where we’ll go over editing and publishing your podcast. 

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