Marketing + Instagram + Keynote = Engaged business students!
Original Lesson: Students researched, recorded and reported on the parts of the product life cycle. Each student was responsible for becoming an expert on one piece (introduction, growth, maturity, decline) and then shared their notes with classmates.
What I Changed: I asked the students to demonstrate their knowledge of the product life cycle using an Instagram Template created in Keynote. The task was to create social media messages a company would post during each of the four stages (introduction, growth, maturity, decline). Students were assigned an existing product using an online "picker wheel".
Impact: Students demonstrated understanding of promotion, competition, packaging, and sales in a creative and relatable format.
June 05, 2023
I appreciate you for providing this insightful and captivating lesson. I enjoyed the way you seamlessly integrated a student's everyday life using Instagram, giving them the opportunity to showcase their newfound knowledge.
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