How might we use Apple Classroom to support learning?

I have been in many schools where teachers report difficulties with using Classroom as students find ways to avoid the "big brother" supervision. Although it is great to see and monitor what students are doing on their devices, and there are times when this is useful, Classroom is so much more than a monitoring tool.

When I work with teachers I encourage them to think differently about how they introduce Classroom and how and when they use it with their students. I refer to Actions and Pedagogy and try and stay clear of the "M" word!

Actions ~ how can I use the tools within to guide & focus my students with their learning

Pedagogy ~ how can I use the tools within to support my teaching method, pedagogical practice & use of high impact strategies

I have started to map out what this looks like. Please share any other ideas that would support how we can use Apple Classroom to support learning.

#InspiredbyIT #createdinfreeform #appleprofessionallearning



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