12 Days of High School 2024 - A Scottish Collaboration!


One of the most wonderful things about the Apple Education Community is the people you meet and the relationships you build. Up here in Scotland we have been fortunate to make some incredible connections, particularly over the last year or so. Leading on from our fabulous festive banter while sharing our winter-themed tips and tutorials, representatives from nine Scottish Apple Regional Training Centres got together to collaborate for 12 Days of High School 2024 (#12daysofhighschool2024). 12 videos showcasing hints, tips, tricks and ideas with iPad, aimed at our high school learning communities (lots of the videos will also be useful for primary colleagues too!).

The first video was launched on Thursday 6th June on our various X/Twitter channels. We hope this will be the first of many Scotland-wide collaborations and hope you will check out the videos over the next couple of weeks.

X/Twitter accounts for the RTCs involved are....

Fife @FifeRTC 

Falkirk @FalkirkRTC 

Scottish Borders @RTCBorders 

Renfrewshire @RenfrewshireRTC 

Glasgow @GlasgowRTC

Perth & Kinross @PKCAppleRTC 

Aberdeenshire @AberdeenshireLL 

Edinburgh @Edinburgh_RTC 

Education Scotland @DigiLearnScot 


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