Many experienced educators pride themselves on their teaching expertise. However, the pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to their traditional methods. The key question I've been researching is: How can we help these teachers embrace new teaching methods while preserving their dignity and professional pride? In 2024, I finally discovered a breakthrough approach.
Starting in 2018, I established Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at our school, inviting teachers interested in digital integration to join collaborative learning sessions. Additionally, I actively pursued Ministry of Education projects including THSD and 5G Mobile Learning initiatives, which helped shape our teaching and learning leadership framework.
Our Servant Leadership teaching strategy consists of three phases:
Phase 1: The Novelty Stage
Teachers initially approach tablet integration hoping to break free from traditional teaching constraints. The key success factors here are:
- Selecting appropriate instructors and topics
- Ensuring topics appear sophisticated yet are actually accessible
- Making learning experiences both simple and engaging
- Building teacher confidence through early successes
Phase 2: The Trust-Building Stage
Successful tablet integration requires more than just individual proficiency. Our support system includes:
- Providing comprehensive equipment (Apple TV, wireless AP, tablets for teachers and students)
- Offering in-class technical assistance during initial implementation
- Following the "Rule of 3": One successful experience builds knowledge, three successful experiences create advocates
- Fostering organic growth through peer influence
Phase 3: The Reinforcement Stage
This stage involves careful balance of encouragement and guidance:
- Providing enthusiastic positive reinforcement for every shared teaching activity
- Using constructive dialogue to help teachers self-identify areas for improvement
- Creating opportunities for teachers to showcase their expertise through peer teaching
- Building confidence through recognition and leadership opportunities
- Maintaining motivation through positive reinforcement while gradually raising expectations
This approach has proven effective in helping experienced teachers maintain their professional dignity while adapting to new teaching methodologies. The key is creating an environment where learning feels like a natural progression rather than a forced change.
February 03, 2025
Thank you for sharing!
I'm so happy you found a way to work within your district to find a solution to the issues brought to light by the pandemic. It seems so simple, but the right tools and support will make the biggest difference.
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