Hello there!
How are you handling push-back/lack of enthusiasm at your schools? How are you encouraging teachers who are uninterested in using technology or just learning new things in general?
Hello there!
How are you handling push-back/lack of enthusiasm at your schools? How are you encouraging teachers who are uninterested in using technology or just learning new things in general?
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Lots and lots of listening. Frustration usually stems from the feeling of not being heard.
Hi Megan,
There are a few other discussion threads with questions similar to yours in the Coaching section of the Forum that might be interesting/helpful to you, based on this question. Here are some links:
Ideas for Growing Innovative Teacher Leaders
How do you get buy-in from reluctant teachers and administrators?
The question you're asking is certainly a common one! With any change process, there will be an implementation curve that ranges from innovative, enthusiastic early adopters to those with no interest in doing anything differently, and then everyone in between! I hope these discussions and your other replies are helpful as you navigate your work with faculty in your district!
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March 21, 2023
Experiencing push back comes with just about any type of professional development or training. (Social media has pages of frustration with PD!)
When someone comes in hostile/hot, it usually stems from something outside of your control or influence. Were they ordered to attend your training? Are they being mandated to implement your resources/tools? Have they had their fill of poorly planned & presented PD. (Haven't we all? Isn't that why most of us got into providing training?)
What has worked for me includes:
I'm looking forward to seeing what others have to say.
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