Hello Apple Educators,
Every summer we offer an Apple- Everyone Can Create series that inspires hands-on creation and time to connect these sessions to the district curriculum. We often hear our teachers say things like, "Wow this is fun" or, "I'm glad we had the time to work on this during the summer... the school year is too packed".
This summer we are offering 8 sessions, twice a day for four days. Usually, we use different Everyone Can Create Projects from the books (see last year's agenda here). However, this summer I was thinking of leveraging just one of Apple's programs to create multiple products - Keynote. This supports the idea of choice and power, and as a teacher, provides you the chance to give students choice in how they express their learning (UDL). Here are the ideas I was thinking of, but I would LOVE to hear if you have any other coaching experiences with Keynote that were a slam dunk with your staff. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
- Animated GIFS- great for sequencing or process-oriented tasks. Can be applied across all subject areas
- Live Video and Screen Recording - Students act out an event or summarize their learning
- Stop Motion -
- Non-linear Timelines/ Timelines - Students build out different slides and code them together.
April 08, 2023
You've got a great start here on your list of possibilities for Keynote, Caitlin! There are a lot of great activity ideas and templates posted in the Forum that utilize Keynote. Here are a few of my favorites:
Keynote LiveVideo for student self-reflection
Keynote Skills: Creativity with Text as Keynote Shapes
Comic Creations with Keynote
Storytelling through Keynote Animation (This post also talks about the Sketches School app, but you could do all the drawing in Keynote as well.)
Creativity Lab: Keynote Shapes
Keynote - News Broadcast template
Simplifying Complex Ideas with Keynote
With the most recent update to the Forum, you can also search by keyword (like searching "Keynote") and it will populate all the posts that have that tag, so there's a ton more to explore, a lot more easily than having to page through all the posts in the Forum from most recent to oldest.
Hope this is helpful! Best of luck with your summer PD planning!
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