I was so surprised when working with a tech savvy teacher, how she struggled with a lock of confidence when it came to using Apple apps. She was looking for a way for students to show their understanding of non-fiction text features, but was falling back on Seesaw because that’s what she’s comfortable with.
So, I suggested we use a scavenger hunt template in Pages. Using a template in Pages was a structured way for 2nd grade bilingual students to know what they were looking for, but also allowing them to easily add photos they took in an organized way. Students then were able to add their voice next to each item explaining what the feature was and why it’s important to non-fiction reading and writing.
The teacher and I collaborated on a Pages document to create the scavenger hunt. She used Airdrop to quickly push out a copy to each student. She walked them through how to add a photo and their voice to the first item, and then she let them work alone or with a partner to complete the activity.
Students used online text and books from the classroom to take photos of each text feature. Students shared their text features with their groups and compared what they found in different books.
I will always remember the depth of engagement students had during this activity and how happy the teacher was that they were able to complete the activity with very little coaching on the tool. She is confident she will be able to fit Pages into her students’ learning during the day.
November 14, 2023
That's an awesome coaching moment! Thanks for sharing!
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