In one of my English as a Second Language Parent Involvement meetings students and their families worked together to create Clips videos showcasing their culture. Families rotated through stations with an iPad to make Clips slides introducing their family, sharing where they are from, their favorite food or music, a family tradition, and a happy memory or place they like to go. We used pictures on parents' phones to incorporate into the videos. Before attendees began to create I demonstrated how to use the Clips App and modeled how it supports learning the English language. We also brainstormed ways they could use Clips at home to create their own videos and practice using the different language domains. My ESL parents loved the activity and were excited to share their completed videos with family members near and far. The videos will be linked to QR codes and placed on a bulletin board in the school for visitors to scan and learn about our families and different cultures.
This is such a great idea! Many of our campuses host "Multicultural Night" events - I can't wait to share this with them - what a great activity!
December 01, 2023
Such a great way to incorporate family fun and learning. Thanks Katie for sharing your ESL activities - so helpful!
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