Engaging Early Learners with iPad - Apple Professional Learning Live


Thanks to everyone who was able to join fellow APLS Kaila Bostock and I as part of the Australia/New Zealand Apple Professional Learning Live series in March 2024. As we shared in the session, if you are interested in learning about how either Kaila or myself can support you and your team, in-person or remotely, as Apple Professional Learning Specialists - please reach out to us via email: kaila@culturetech.com.au or rachel@techplayteach.com.

During our session we shared some of our favourite tips, tricks, tools and apps to use when 'Engaging Early Learners with iPad'. This post serves as a central hub with links to additional posts to explore everything covered in our session.

Engaging Early Learners with Camera & Markup: Camera is always the best place to begin with early learners. This post will take you through how to teach early learners to take a photo, and then shares a full video demonstration of a sample workflow using Camera, Markup and Screen Recording that works well with our youngest learners.

Engaging Early Learners with Freeform: Open ended apps are the best way to get our early learners creating rather than consuming on Technology. This post shares a range of ideas for using Freeform with Early Learners, to inspire you to use the incredible multi-modal tools and features within the app.

Supporting Early Learners on iPad: Apple Classroom: Let's face it! It can be tricky to run a session where multiple early learners are on iPad - let alone a whole class. This post shares the wonder that is Apple Classroom, and how it can make your job as a teacher a little bit easier - as well as offer opportunities to share discrete and timely feedback with students.

Supporting Early Learners on iPad: Settings & Accessibility: Out of the box the iPad is full of inclusive features that support ALL learners. Learn which tools and settings are our favourite to access and use to support our youngest learners.

We'd love to hear in the comments below which of these apps, tools and features you have used with your early learners!

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