Students can enhance their speaking and writing skills with simple classroom activities using the Clips app. new to Clips, you can build your foundational skills from these tutorials in the Learning Center - Clips for iPad
Ideas for language and literacy development activities with Clips:
- Writing with a 5 paragraph structure
- Personal narrative storytelling
- Multilingual learners practice with Live Titles
- Visualize vocabulary with video
Classroom integration ideas from others in the Forum
- Early Years Language Practice
- Bring poetry to life
- Video book reviews
- Student Newscast
- Create writing prompts with Clips
- Verb tenses with jump cuts
- Make thinking visible with Clips
More Resources
- Chapter 1 on "Building Your First Movie" using Clips from Everyone Can Create Video in Apple Books.
- Everyone Can Create Projects from the Learning Center.
- Clips User Guide
March 05, 2025
Katie - thanks for this “just in time” compilation of Clips ideas and helpful tutorials. I’m currently in the Apple Learning Coaches program and it is so good to have these resources to easily imagine how Clips can help with Literacy and all other curricular areas. I’ll pass it along!
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